A Complete Guide to Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles

Car Accident Lawyer Los Angeles

Car Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles

Car accidents… An everyday occurrence that is oftentimes out of our control. Unfortunately, the aftermath is life-changing and sometimes ends in death. Across California in 2019, there were over 3,600 car accident fatalities. With such a high rate, some may be wondering what to do if they are involved in an accident.

Do you know how to find the best car accident lawyer in Los Angeles to represent you? This is your guide to finding the best legal representation in Southern CA. 


Get a Consultation

The first thing that you should do in this situation is to get a consultation from a prospective attorney. This will allow you to get an idea of what it will be like working with their law firm.

In addition, some car accident lawyers in Los Angeles will offer a case assessment at no charge. This removes the pressure of worrying about affordability, while also receiving free legal advice. 

Questions like your chances of winning, how long the case might take to get settled, and how much legal services are going to cost can be addressed during the initial meeting.

It allows both sides to have some transparency with each other before agreeing to work together, as well.


Hire a Local Car Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles

Lawyer in Los Angeles

The next thing that you need to do is to find an attorney in Los Angeles, assuming your car accident took place in the LA area. 

You may be wondering why it’s so important to hire locally. The answer is that courtrooms in various cities and states operate differently due to their local laws. 

This means that a lawyer from Los Angeles is more likely to know the local laws than a lawyer from San Francisco, for example. They will also know what roads are prone to accidents, such as the Sierra Highway, I-405, or I-5. This will help your case and paint a better picture of the details. 

In addition, local attornies are more likely to have worked with local prosecutors and judges in the area. Therefore, they will be more familiar with how to work with them.

When you combine these factors, the conclusion is that lawyers in the local area are more likely to know how certain courtroom scenarios in the jurisdiction will play out. Also, they will know what local laws have to be followed. This improves your chances of winning the car accident case. 


Evaluating Experience

When it comes to hiring the best car accident lawyer in Los Angeles, you need to know about their experience handling similar cases, as well as their success rate.

This will require some research and looking over online reviews. Former client testimonials will also be great identifiers into what working that that firm was like.

If they do not have much experience in personal injury or car accidents, consider their area of expertise. Additionally, make sure that they have been successful overall in those areas.

For example, an attorney may have worked with personal injury cases in medical malpractice but never in a car accident. Or, that lawyer may have taken on multiple cases but has only been successful in a small percentage of them.

Keep these factors in mind before deciding which car accident lawyer in Los Angeles to go with.


Gather Evidence

taking picture for car accident evidence

Admittedly, your lawyer can assist with obtaining sufficient evidence. However, know that you will absolutely need to be prepared with evidence to support your personal injury claim. Viable vidence can include:

  • pictures of the car accident
  • video surveillance
  • a police report detailing the accident
  • medical records
  • vehicle repair costs


Settle Over Trial 

When it comes to cases like this, car accidents fall under the umbrella of personal injury cases. This might lead people to believe that they can get a big payday.

However, this depends on the case. In fact, 95% of these cases tend to get settled before they go to trial. This is good because car accident victims will receive compensation sooner. 

What does this mean? Be prepared for settling. Sometimes, that means the number will not be as high as you anticipated. Of course, legal representation will also play a huge role in how much compensation can be recovered.

In addition, your attorney should be transparent and honest about how much your case is actually worth. No two accidents are alike. Therefore, depending on various factors (like available evidence), yours may not be worth as much as you think. Essentially, watch out for an attorney who is trying to oversell you.


Hire a Car Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles

California car accident lawyer

These are some of the best tips for you to hire a car accident lawyer in Los Angeles. Are you from that area and feel you need representation for that type of case? 

If so, contact The Law Offices of Daniel Kim to get started. We offer a free, no-risk case evaluation and are available to assist 24/7.