Car Accident Lawyer in Huntington Beach
Living in Huntington Beach is for the most part like paradise with the Huntington Pier, State Beach, and Dog Beach. But like any decent-sized city with 197,417 residents (2021), there is always a chance of being involved in a car accident. If that does occur, you will need a car accident lawyer in Huntington Beach on your side.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, then it’s important to determine the next steps. Some car accidents, like a minor fender bender, may not require much action. However, a major collision that causes damage, is more demanding.
After an accident, seek medical treatment. Then, contact an experienced car accident lawyer. At The Law Offices of Daniel Kim, we have recovered over $300 million for personal injury victims, and we can help you. Please, call us today to schedule your free consultation. The assessment is free, and we will discuss your legal options, as well as explain what filing a claim will entail.
Contact Car Accident Lawyer Huntington Beach, Daniel Kim
Daniel Kim is an award-winning lawyer that has been helping Huntington Beach residents for years. He approaches every case with compassion and has the work ethic to get his clients maximum compensation.
The Law Offices of Daniel Kim only deals with motor vehicle accidents. Therefore, our firm specializes in personal injury cases surrounding car, truck, pedestrian, bicycle, motorcycle, and rideshare accidents.
We know how frustrating it can be to deal with injuries suffered from a car wreck. In addition, when you add to that the emotional damage and medical bills, the whole process becomes overwhelming. Therefore, you need a reliable team by your side to offer support and expert advice. Here is what you can expect from working with our law firm:
- 99% success rate
- Recovered over $300 million in settlements and verdicts
- Absolutely free, no-risk consultation
- We can come to you if you are unable to come to our office
- Access to the best medical care in your area
- Over 1,000 Positive reviews on Yelp and Google
- You can contact us 24-hours a day, seven days a week
Practice Areas We Specialize In
At The Law Offices of Daniel Kim, our accident lawyers exclusively handle motor vehicle accident cases. In fact, our outstanding attorneys focus on motor vehicle accidents, setting us apart from other firms.
Motorcycle Accidents – As we all know riding a motorcycle is very dangerous. Also, almost all motorcycle accidents lead to severe injuries.
Truck Accidents – There are actually quite a few semi-truck accidents in the area. However, our law firm knows what needs to be done to protect your legal rights.
Pedestrian Accidents – These are always bad accidents because a pedestrian has no chance against a 2,000 lb. car that runs them over.
Bike Accidents – Bike accidents always lead to a serious injury, even if you are wearing a helmet.
Uber Accidents – Uber and Lyft have become so popular that sometimes it seems like every other car on the road is an Uber or Lyft driver. Uber and Lyft have unique commercial insurance policies. Therefore, passengers and other cars who were hit by a driver can file a claim.
Catastrophic Injuries – In саtаѕtrорhіс іnjurіеѕ, the vісtіm іѕ еntіtlеd to rесеіvе muсh hіghеr compensation соmраrеd tо the ones whо ѕuffеr mіnоr іnjurіеѕ.
Wrongful Death – In California, the deceased’s spouse, child, partner, and other entitled individuals can file a claim and receive damages.
How Much a Huntington Beach Car Accident Settlement Is Worth
This is always a question that our clients have, and understandably so. If you have been injured and you start seeing the bills coming in the mail, it can become very stressful very quickly.
At The Law Offices of Daniel Kim, our biggest goal is to treat our clients ethically and make sure we keep them informed about their cases the entire time. This includes giving our clients as much information as possible about the potential value of their settlement, and how long the injury settlement might take. Below is a list of damages that relates to compensation:
- Medical Bills – any bills from your injuries
- Loss of Wages – hours you miss at work due to injuries
- Punitive Damages – sometimes awarded if the conduct of the defendant is considered outrageous
- Pain and Suffering – refers to physical pain and mental suffering
- Rehabilitation Costs – for victims with serious injuries who need physical therapy, etc.
Dealing With the Insurance Companies
If you have ever dealt with an insurance company you already know how annoying and stressful it can be, even just buying car insurance can be a real hassle.
If you are injured after riding as a passenger in an Uber accident, or just hit by a car in Huntington Beach while riding your bike, you need to be very aware of how you deal with the insurance companies.
Once a report is filed and the insurance adjusters start calling you to determine fault, etc., just remember they aren’t going to be excited to pay out a bunch of money for your injuries. After you give a recorded statement and sign papers, negotiating is no longer an option.
A common approach for the insurance companies is to offer you a quick settlement so they can close your claim and avoid paying you fair compensation.
Common Causes for Car Accidents in Huntington Beach
There is a multitude of reasons why car accidents occur in Huntington Beach. However, most accidents in Orange County are caused by distracted drivers and often enough could possibly have been avoided.
Not only are there often physical damages to property or persons but mental stress can be very problematic as well. Car accidents can be very disruptive and lawfully confusing.
Always protect your legal rights and contact a car accident lawyer for help when you are dealing with insurance companies. Here are some common reasons for car crashes in Huntington Beach:
- Speeding
- Distracted Drivers
- Drunk Driving
- Poor Road Conditions
- Running a Red Light or Stop Sign
- Bad Weather
- Sleepy Drivers
- Tire Blowouts
Common Injuries From a Car Accident
All car accidents in Huntington Beach happen for an assortment of reasons, and if luck is on your side, your injuries might be insignificant. If you happen to be unlucky, injuries from a car accident can be damaging and life-changing.
There are so many factors that can impact what injuries you suffer in a crash. In a car accident, the size of the vehicles, speed, airbags deploying, and seatbelt status can have a lot to do with the outcome of the crash.
If you are injured in a car accident it’s very important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Ideally, you want to go from the scene of the accident to the ER or doctor in order to prove your injuries.
The longer you delay necessary treatment, the more likely the defendant’s insurance company will argue that your injuries were not serious (or possibly related to another accident). Below is a list of everyday injuries from motor vehicle accidents in Huntington Beach:
- Spinal Injuries – damage of the spinal cord can result in serious long-term complications
- Broken Bones – legs, ankles, arms, wrists, and ribs depending on the impacted area
- Burn Injuries – these can be minor to extreme depending on the accident
- Head Injuries – Traumatic Brain Injury, skull fractures, concussions
- Neck Injuries – commonly happens from whiplash, sprains, strains
- Facial Injury – bruises, fractures, contusions, common when hitting windshield or airbag
- Soft Tissue Injuries – muscles, tendons, or ligaments stretched or torn
- Amputation – horrific life-changing injuries
- Death – the worst-case scenario
Huntington Beach Car Accident Statistics
Automobile accidents in Huntington Beach are quite common, but that is to be expected when you have more than 3 million automobiles driving on Huntington Beach roads each and every single day.
Deaths and Injuries
Car accident fatalities in Huntington Beach during 2017 were also quite low, especially compared to the rest of Orange County – at least according to the Huntington Beach Police Department.
Six people passed away as a direct result of injuries sustained during an automotive accident in Huntington Beach during the year 2017, with nine different vehicles involved in these accidents.
Three of those fatalities were a direct result of a driver operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Injuries stemming from car accidents in Huntington Beach are quite common, and it’s not at all unreasonable to expect that 80% of all automobile accidents in Huntington Beach are going to involve some sort of injury reported at the scene or after seeing medical professionals.
Car Accidents Involving Drugs or Alcohol
Operating vehicles while under the influence of drugs or alcohol are still a huge problem in the state of California and here in Huntington Beach. 11% of all motor vehicle accidents are caused by driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Also, DUIs have increased by 30% over the last five years.
Licensed Drivers in Orange County
There are more than 2 million licensed drivers in Orange County. Also, the majority of these drivers hold a traditional driver’s license. However, more than 50,000 individuals have motorcycle or commercial truck licenses.
Dangerous Intersections
Brookhurst St. and Adams Ave. are a couple of dangerous intersections in Huntington Beach. In fact, these roads are considered two of the most dangerous intersections in California. Other dangerous intersections in HB include:
- Ellis Ave. and Newland St.
- Goldenwest St. and Heil Ave.
- Magnolia St. and Yorktown Ave.
- Adams Ave. and Bushard St.
- Gothard St. and Heil Ave.
- Mcfadden Ave. and Springdale St.
- Gothard St. and Talbert Ave.
- Edwards St. and Heil Ave.
- Garfield Ave. and Magnolia St.
- Brookhurst St. and Hamilton Ave.
- Newland St. and Slater Ave.
The Law Offices of Daniel Kim – Costa Mesa Office
Address: 611 Anton Boulevard, Suite #1000, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone: (714) 790-3519