Bike Accident Lawyer in Huntington Beach
Huntington Beach is well-known for its historic pier and popular downtown area. Also known as Surf City, the city offers its 197,417 residents miles and miles of bike trails. Unfortunately, Orange County is also known for its heavy traffic and bike accidents.
If you have been injured bicycle accident in Huntington Beach, please contact OC’s top personal injury lawyer. At The Law Offices of Daniel Kim, we’ll walk you through the legal process and fight to get you maximum compensation for your accident.
Schedule your free case assessment today. We’re available to assist 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
Contact a Huntington Beach Bike Accident Lawyer
Daniel Kim is a top-rated personal injury lawyer in Orange County who focuses exclusively on motor vehicle accidents. Unlike other injury law firms that case down any slip and fall or dog bite case, they can get, Daniel and his team solely deal with injury cases related to automotive accidents.
We have over 1,000 positive reviews on Yelp and Google from past clients that wanted to share their stories with the public. Daniel Kim is very aggressive when it comes to dealing with the insurance companies and he won’t just accept some tiny settlement so he can get paid quickly.
You can reach The Law Offices of Daniel Kim 24-hours a day, seven days a week. If you have been injured in a Huntington Beach bike accident then you need an injury lawyer with experience and the know-how to get the job done.
Practice Areas We Specialize In
At The Law Offices of Daniel Kim, our accident lawyers exclusively handle motor vehicle accident cases. In fact, our outstanding attorneys focus on motor vehicle accidents, setting us apart from other firms.
Car Accidents – This can involve any type of crash from an Uber wreck, to maybe a teenage driver hitting you, or maybe an old lady ran a red light and rear-ended your car.
Motorcycle Accidents – As we all know riding a motorcycle is very dangerous. Also, almost all motorcycle accidents lead to severe injuries.
Truck Accidents – There are actually quite a few semi-truck accidents in the area. However, our law firm knows what needs to be done to protect your legal rights.
Pedestrian Accidents – These are always bad accidents because a pedestrian has no chance against a 2,000 lb. car that runs them over.
Uber Accidents – Uber and Lyft have become so popular that sometimes it seems like every other car on the road is an Uber or Lyft driver. Uber and Lyft have unique commercial insurance policies. Therefore, passengers and other cars who were hit by a driver can file a claim.
Catastrophic Injuries – In саtаѕtrорhіс іnjurіеѕ, the vісtіm іѕ еntіtlеd to rесеіvе muсh hіghеr compensation соmраrеd tо the ones whо ѕuffеr mіnоr іnjurіеѕ.
Wrongful Death – In California, the deceased’s spouse, child, partner, and other entitled individuals can file a claim and receive damages.
How Much a Bike Accident Settlement Is Worth
If you do get injured in a bike accident the odds are good that you’ll start having financial stress as the bills pile up and you might miss work due to the injuries. The insurance companies have their own methods of determining fault, which is why you want to contact an experienced bike accident lawyer.
The actual value of your bike accident injury claim will primarily be based on the injuries you suffer, although there are other factors that will play into the final compensation.
At The Law Offices of Daniel Kim, we have years of experience dealing with bicycle accident cases here in Huntington Beach, and we know how to deal with the insurance companies to make sure you are treated fairly.
If you suffer a broken leg and head injuries then your settlement is going to be worth far more than somebody who just broke their wrist and had a road rash. Other factors will matter, like if you were hit by a distracted driver or if an uninsured motorist hit you. The major areas that help determine a case value are:
- the severity of the injuries you suffered
- costs of medical treatment
- any lost wages or future lost wages
- physical or emotional suffering
Common Injuries From Bike Accidents
Riding a bicycle in Huntington Beach, along Beach Blvd. is dangerous enough. However, if you are also riding recklessly then your chances of an accident significantly increase.
Pacific Coast Highway is a favorite road among bicycle riders in HB and sadly there are many accidents on that stretch of PCH. If you are injured while riding a bike in HB, then you’ll want to talk with a top Huntington Beach bike accident lawyer, like Daniel Kim to make sure you protect your legal rights.
Of course, there are many factors that can determine what types of injuries you’ll suffer, for example wearing a helmet will definitely minimize the injuries you’ll suffer.
If you are hit by a truck, an Amazon delivery van, or any other vehicle, you’ll want to get medical treatment immediately after a crash. Below is a list of typical injuries from a bicycle accident:
- Nerve Damage
- Brain Injuries
- Broken Bones
- Wrongful Death
- Concussion
- Cuts and Bruises
- Sprained Wrists
Common Causes of Bike Accidents in Huntington Beach
There are many reasons for bicycle accidents today in Huntington Beach. Drivers like to blame the lack of attention or recklessness of the bicyclist that causes these collisions.
The reality is that most often these accidents are the cause of the driver’s lack of attention by not realizing the position that the bicyclist is in and not providing the right of way.
No matter who was at fault a vehicle colliding with a bicyclist is damaging and injuries will result. Here is a list of common reasons for a bike accident in Huntington Beach:
- Distracted Drivers (talking on phone, texting, emailing)
- Intoxicated Drivers (drugs and alcohol)
- Side Swiping
- No Following the Right-of-Way Laws
- Cutting Off a Bicyclist
- Running a Red Light
- Speeding
- Inexperienced/Young Drivers
- Poorly Designed Bike Paths/Lanes (potholes, broken signage)
- Recklessness
How to Stay Safe on the Road
No matter how many precautions a bicyclist takes, they will always be at risk while sharing the roads with all the automobiles in Huntington Beach. But there are steps that bicycle riders in HB can take to avoid an accident and serious injuries.
- Watch Out for Car Doors Opening – Ride far enough to the left that you can avoid this.
- Use Front and Rear Lights – It is actually against the law to ride around without lights and reflectors on your bike, but more importantly, it’s very unsafe.
- Wear a Helmet – Concussions, contusions, and open head wounds are common injuries when you don’t wear a helmet.
- Remain Cautious at Crosswalks – Slow down, get a light and try not to ride on a sidewalk if possible.
- Be Courteous – Follow the rules and don’t run red lights, don’t run stop signs, and don’t cut off cars.
- Make Sure You Are Seen – Wear reflective gear or neon clothing to stand out when riding, especially at night.
- Pay Attention – This sounds easy enough, but many cyclists don’t pay attention to traffic, pedestrians, or signals.
- Stay Alert at All Times – Stay focused and aware of all your surroundings.
- Ride in the Same Direction as Traffic – Be sure to travel in the same direction as the cars moving.
- Use Hand Signals – When you are making turns or changing the direction, use hand signals.
Huntington Beach Bicycle Accident Statistics
Huntington Beach is one of the most picturesque places in the United States to ride a bicycle, with great weather all year round, miles and miles of bike trails, and plenty of opportunities to take these two-wheeled methods of transportation to the open road.
At the same time, with so many bicycles on Huntington Beach roads – and with so much other traffic – it’s not uncommon for bicycle accidents to occur.
Injuries and Fatalities
Thankfully, the overwhelming majority of bicycle accidents do not involve fatalities. As of 2017, only three people involved in a bicycle-related accident passed away as a direct result of injuries sustained during those incidents.
Injuries, on the other hand, are quite common when it comes to bicycle accidents in Huntington Beach.
Tourism in Huntington Beach
Every single year, just over 4 million people visit Huntington Beach – and the rest of Orange County – from somewhere else. This number continues to grow each and every year, with tourism being one of the biggest industries in all of Huntington Beach.
All these people on vacation mean a lot of people renting electric bikes and other bikes to cruise all over HB. More than 500,000 people visiting Huntington Beach are classified as “overnight hotel visitors” each and every single evening.
Dangerous Intersections
There are many dangerous roads and intersections located throughout Huntington Beach, but almost all of them have a single major thoroughfare in common with one another – Beach Blvd.
This is a major transportation thoroughfare for all of Huntington Beach and the rest of Orange County which is why cyclists will want to make sure that they have their radar up whenever they approach this intersection. Other dangerous roads include:
- Ellis Ave. and Newland St.
- Goldenwest St. and Heil Ave.
- Goldenwest St. and Yorktown Ave.
- Adams Ave. and Bushard St.
- Gothard St. and Heil Ave.
- Mcfadden Ave. and Springdale St.
- Gothard St. and Talbert Ave.
- Edwards St. and Heil Ave.
- Garfield Ave. and Magnolia St.
- Brookhurst St. and Hamilton Ave.
- Newland St. and Slater Ave.
The Law Offices of Daniel Kim – Costa Mesa Office
Address: 611 Anton Boulevard, Suite #1000, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone: (714) 790-3519