What To Do After a Truck Accident in Los Angeles

Trucking Accident Lawyer 

Semi truck accident lawyers
Accidents involving a tractor-trailer or other large commercial vehicle can be some of the most devastating types of accidents on the road. California is no stranger to these dangerous and deadly truck accidents, and the state reports some of the highest numbers of fatal truck accidents in the U.S. 

If you were involved in a serious head-on, sideswipe, or rollover truck accident, you deserve answers and substantial financial compensation. With our compassionate, detailed, and thorough legal services, our trucking accident lawyer at The Law Offices of Daniel Kim can be your greatest advocate. Call us at (800) 719-9779 to schedule a free consultation. 


What Causes Truck Accidents?

Commercial truck accidents are among the most severe types of collisions on the road. They can cause catastrophic injuries, extensive property damage, and tragic fatalities. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), there were 4,714 fatal truck crashes in 2021, a 17% increase from 2020. Most fatalities in large truck crashes are passenger vehicle occupants, pedestrians, motorcyclists, and bicyclists.

Driver error is the leading cause of truck accidents, which can include: 

Driver Fatigue

While all truck drivers are bound by federal hours-of-service regulations, they still work long hours and often face tight deadlines, which can lead to drowsiness and impaired judgment. Driving while fatigued can reduce reaction time, increase the risk of falling asleep at the wheel, and cause lapses in attention.

Distracted Driving

Cell phones, radios, navigation systems, eating, drinking, or looking at something outside the vehicle are common distractions that can cause an accident. Driving while distracted can take the driver’s eyes, hands, or mind off the road and increase the likelihood of missing important cues or hazards.

Impaired Driving 

Truck drivers can be impaired by alcohol, drugs, or medications that affect their ability to drive safely. Driving while impaired can impair vision, coordination, concentration, and decision-making.


Driving a semi-truck or other large vehicle requires proper training and experience. Inexperienced drivers may lack these skills and make mistakes that can cause accidents.

Poor Cargo Loading

Cargo can weigh tens of thousands of pounds. If loaded improperly, the cargo can cause the truck to tip over or the driver to lose control of the vehicle. Many rollover truck accidents and jackknife accidents are caused by improper cargo loads. 

Poor Maintenance

Commercial trucks require frequent maintenance. Poor maintenance can cause mechanical problems, such as brake failure, tire blowouts, or engine problems. 

Poor Weather or Road Conditions

Rain, snow, fog, ice, or wind can affect the visibility and traction on the road and make it harder for the driver to see or be seen by other drivers. They can also make it harder for the driver to brake or steer effectively. Poor road conditions such as potholes or uneven pavement can also increase the risk of accidents. 


Dangerous Roads and Freeways in Los Angeles

Trucking industry in Los Angeles
Clogged traffic lanes and millions of commuters make Los Angeles County one of the most congested places to drive in America. Coincidentally, it also has some of the most dangerous roads. Below are some of the roads and freeways that experience the highest volume of accidents in Los Angeles: 

  • I-405 (San Diego Freeway): The I-5 is a major artery in Los Angeles, and it is notorious for its heavy traffic and accidents. The stretch of I-405 between the 110 and 10 freeways is particularly dangerous.
  • I-5 (Golden State Freeway/Santa Ana Freeway): This is the main north-south freeway in California, and it passes through Los Angeles. Interstate 5 is known for its congested roads and high rate of rear-end collisions and other types of auto accidents.
  • I-110 (Harbor Freeway/Arroyo Seco Parkway): Connecting San Pedro to downtown Pasadena, Route 110 is a major commuter route. The stretch of I-110 between the 105 and 101 freeways experiences a high rate of collisions. 
  • Route 74 (Sierra Highway): While not technically in Los Angeles, the 74 is a major route that passes through the city. Route 74 is known for its winding curves, heavy traffic, and frequent accidents.
  • State Route 1 (PCH): This scenic highway is a popular tourist destination, but it is also a dangerous road. State Route 1 is known for its narrow lanes, sharp curves, and heavy traffic.

Additionally, the Port of Los Angeles is the country’s busiest container port. Much of the cargo that leaves the ships is transferred to large commercial vehicles, which then fill the already busy roads and highways connecting Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, and beyond.


What Should You Do After a Truck Accident?

Immediately following a truck accident, it is important to stay calm. This is easier said than done, but taking a few deep breaths and assessing the situation can help you make more sound decisions. Here are some important tips if you have been involved in a semi-truck accident: 

Step 1: Check for Injuries and Call 911

The first thing you should do after a truck accident is to check yourself and others for injuries. If anyone is hurt, call 911 immediately and request medical assistance. Do not move anyone who is seriously injured unless it is necessary to avoid further harm.

If you are able to do so, move your vehicle to a safe location away from traffic. Turn on your hazard lights and use flares or cones to warn other drivers of the accident scene.

Step 2: Exchange Information and Gather Evidence

The next step is to exchange information with the other parties involved in the accident. This includes the truck driver’s company contact information, license plate number, and registration number. If there are any witnesses, get their information, too. 

Step 3: Seek Medical Attention and Follow Up

Even if you do not feel any pain or symptoms right away, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible after a truck accident. Some injuries may not manifest until hours or days later, such as whiplash, concussion, or internal bleeding. Getting checked by a doctor can help you diagnose and treat any injuries, prevent complications, and document your medical expenses.

You should also follow up with your doctor regularly and follow their instructions regarding your treatment plan. Keep track of all your medical records, bills, prescriptions, receipts, and any other documents related to your injury.

Step 4: Contact Your Insurance Company and Report the Accident

You should contact your own insurance company as soon as possible after a truck crash and report what happened. You may be entitled to some benefits under your own policy, such as medical payments coverage or uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.

However, you should be careful about what you say to your insurance company or any other insurance company that contacts you. Do not admit fault, minimize your injuries, or accept any settlement offers without consulting a truck accident lawyer first. The insurance companies are not on your side and they will try to pay you as little as possible for your claim.

Step 5: Contact Experienced Truck Accident Attorneys

The final and most important step is to hire a truck accident lawyer who can help you pursue your claim against the liable parties. Trucking accidents are complex and involve multiple factors, such as federal and state regulations, truck maintenance records, driver qualifications, cargo loading procedures, and more. You need a lawyer who has the knowledge, experience, and resources to handle truck accident lawsuits effectively.


What Evidence Is Needed In a Truck Accident Case?

Truck companies must provide evidence
While every truck accident case is different, there are several critical pieces of evidence you should try to obtain. These include:

  • Police report
  • Driver’s logbook
  • Black box data
  • Vehicle maintenance records
  • Driver records
  • Photos and/or videos of the accident scene
  • Witness statements
  • Medical records

An experienced truck accident attorney can help you gather all of the important evidence from the truck driver or trucking company needed to support your claim. All of the major trucking companies have their own strong legal defense, which makes having your own legal representation all the more important.


Compensation in California Truck Accidents

In car accident claims, victims may be eligible to recover compensation in the form of economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are the quantifiable losses that the victim incurred or will incur because of the accident. They include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Property damage

Non-economic damages are the intangible losses that the victim suffered or will suffer because of the accident. They include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Disability or disfigurement

Our legal team in Los Angeles is available 24/7 to discuss what damages you may be able to recover in a truck accident lawsuit. 


We Are Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyers

We handle California truck accident cases | Trucking accident lawyer
Proving a truck driver caused your accident is much more challenging than your average car accident. Multiple liable parties, including the truck driver and the truck company, aggressive insurance adjusters, and severe injuries complicate the process of obtaining compensation for your losses. 

Our Los Angeles truck accident attorneys will guide you every step of the way through a truck accident claim, from investigating the accident to filing a demand letter. Our truck accident law firm works on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay us nothing unless we win your case. We offer a free consultation to evaluate your case and answer your questions. Contact The Law Offices of Daniel Kim today so we can help you recover from your truck accident.