Jackknife Truck Accidents in California: What You Need to Know

Jackknife Accident

jackknife truck accidents

Nothing looks more frightening on the road than when you come across a semitrailer blocking your lane. Jackknife truck accidents can occur quickly and cause significant injuries. But what causes a jackknife accident? And what type of injuries can occur as a result of such a catastrophic truck accident? 

Keep reading to learn about the causes and outcomes of a typical semi-truck jackknife accident and how an expert car accident attorney can help you if you’re involved in such an accident. 


What Is a Jackknife Accident?

Jackknife truck accidents happen when the truck driver loses control of the vehicle and the semi folds at the hitch where the trailer connects to the tractor. As a result, the trailer and tractor will form a V, and the truck driver loses complete control of the trailer behind the tractor. 

At this point, either the semi, the trailer, or both can tip. The forward momentum will take out any vehicle in the semi’s path, and the end result will leave the semi as a serious obstacle if it’s still on the road. 


Causes of Jackknife Truck Accidents

car accident lawyer

Many different things can cause a jackknife truck accident, from environmental conditions to operator error. Here are the most common causes. 

Driver Error

Speeding causes many car accidents. Drivers of semi-trucks have a special responsibility because of the weight and size of their vehicles. When a semi-driver slams on the brakes, the bakes can easily lock and increase the chance that the truck will jackknife. 

Curvy roads pose a unique risk for semi-drivers. It’s difficult enough for a regular vehicle driver to navigate hairpin turns, but trucks have a longer load to manage. Furthermore, the weight in the truck trailer can shift easily on curves, causing a jackknife. 

Distracted driving caused over 400,000 injuries in 2019 alone. When a semi-driver takes their eyes off the road for even a second, they can easily end up taking emergency maneuvers that lead to a total loss of control. When the trailer and cab cross directions, chaos and a jackknife will follow. 

Environmental Conditions

Poor road conditions cause most jackknife accidents. Even the most experienced truck driver cannot avoid an accident when they encounter ice. Such road conditions cause the truck to lose traction. Cargo then shifts in the trailer and both the trailer and cab slide into the jackknife position. 

Inexperienced drivers are a major threat in inclement weather, as they do not know how to handle difficult road conditions, curves, and traffic. As a result, the driver can end up overdriving or taking unnecessary risks. Such poor decisions can lead to a jackknife accident. 

Truck Problems

Over-the-road truckers put significant miles on their trucks. Such mileage can ultimately lead to wear and tear on critical parts, like brakes. If a trucker fails to maintain their truck, the critical parts can malfunction and cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle. 

Empty trailers can also affect the maneuverability of a truck. When a truck has a full load in its trailer, the driver has more control. The empty trailer thus increases the likelihood of a jackknife accident. 

Collisions by inexperienced and experienced drivers alike can lead to jackknife accidents. When the truck hits an object, the trailer does not follow the truck in a line. It will slide to the side and create an even bigger mass that wipes across the road. 


Outcomes of Jackknife Accidents

truck accident injury

Even the smallest of car accidents can cause long-term injuries like whiplash and back problems. Big vehicle accidents caused by the mass of a semi-truck will cause severe injuries that require months of recovery. 

Individuals who survive jackknife accidents will often require full-time assistance at home as they require. Most individuals cannot return to work for significant amounts of time, and some people will not be able to work again. 

A good attorney who specializes in truck accidents will be able to help individuals who suffer from truck accident injuries such as the following: 

  • Sprains
  • Fractures
  • Breaks
  • Lacerations
  • Muscle strains
  • Internal organ injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Neck injuries

Injuries that result from jackknife accidents will cause significant financial strain for victims. Furthermore, insurance companies typically try to get by paying as little as possible. 


After the Accident

When you’ve been in a jackknife accident, you have survival and physical recovery on your mind first. Thus, when your insurance company attempts to offer a lump sum settlement that looks large, you’re tempted to just sign the papers and take it.

However, often that lump sump does not adequately cover the full lifetime of treatment. An experienced car accident attorney will know and anticipate what you will need. They will fight for your needs and rights so you can focus on recovering from the biggest accident you’ve ever endured. 

Such an attorney will know what your final recovery will cost and can negotiate a deal that gets you the settlement you need. 


Seek Professional Help Today 

truck accident lawyer

A jackknife accident can happen quickly and cause devastating problems. Those who survive live with notable physical and mental trauma. If you’ve suffered a physical injury from a jackknife accident, seek an attorney’s help. A qualified truck accident attorney will anticipate your future needs and fight for your full settlement. 

At The Law Offices of Daniel Kim, we have a long-standing history of recovering compensation successfully for clients. Our attorneys understand the complexity of commercial truck accidents. 

Furthermore, our attorneys understand the federal regulations that bind truck companies, and we take care of every part of your claim after the accident. We take time to analyze your crash and injuries fully so we can prove your case and fight aggressively to recover maximum compensation for you. Schedule a free consultation, and contact us today.