9 Questions to Ask Pedestrian Accident Lawyers Before Hiring

Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

According to the CDC, an estimated 137,000 pedestrians received medical treatment at hospitals after being hit by motor vehicles in 2017.

Unlike a typical car accident, a pedestrian accident case is not as clear-cut. You are entitled to compensation for your injuries and medical bills. When it comes to who is liable, multiple parties could be held accountable. 

For example, government agencies, including the city, county, or state, could be found liable for decaying roadways or faulty traffic lights. 

The legal proceedings can be complicated, which is why it’s best to consult with a personal injury attorney before filing a claim. If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident, consider working with an experienced pedestrian accident lawyer. However, before hiring a lawyer, ask each candidate these 9 important questions.


1.  Are Pedestrian Accident Lawyers Different from Personal Injury Attorneys?

Pedestrian accidents fall under the “personal injury” category. However, that does not mean that all personal injury attorneys can successfully represent a pedestrian. 

Work with a law firm that understands the intricacies of these types of cases. There are different circumstances to address and how the insurance companies are involved. 

Personal injury attorneys are absolutely equipped to handle these types of cases. However, make sure they do, in fact, have good experience in pedestrian accidents.


2.  How Much Experience Do You Have?

Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

Some lawyers’ practice areas can span a large spectrum of specialties. For example, you would not want a divorce lawyer to represent you in a pedestrian accident. 

To determine if an attorney has the experience you’re looking for, refer to client reviews from online directories on websites like Yelp, Google Maps, and Avvo

Additionally, you can confirm if that particular attorney is in good standing with the State Bar by going to their official web page here.


3.  How Many Cases Have You Won Similar to Mine?

Too often we see advertisements stating someone has x-amount of years of winning cases. This may be true. However, consider when those cases were won. In addition, those cases should have settled at a favorable amount. 

If an attorney hasn’t won a case in several years, then that individual may not be the most viable option. Or, if that attorney hasn’t had much success in maximizing a settlement, then consider another candidate. 


4.  How Much Do You Charge?

Regardless of what a lawyer is guaranteeing, always confirm costs.

From the percentage they collect to when you will be billed, pricing details should be clear. At first, the exact amount of how much you will have to pay may not be clear. However, estimation should be provided and discussed before you sign anything. 

Comparing lawyer costs is a crucial component of finding the right attorney for your case. There are court filing fees, investigators, documents prepared, research, and more, needed on a case. Also, all expenses must be in writing so you have a written record. 


5.  Who Do You Think Was at Fault?

Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

It is common for people to assume that the driver is at fault in a pedestrian collision. However, this is not always the case. 

There are many factors to consider when filing a pedestrian accident claim. The most important are determining who was responsible for the accident and proving that he/she was responsible for the accident.  

Your attorney will need to be able to collect enough sufficient evidence to prove that the other party acted negligently. Their negligence or recklessness, therefore, caused the crash. 

It’s important to note that some attorneys will only represent the plaintiff. If you know that you were completely at fault, then some attorneys may not take on your case. 

Pedestrians who appear to be liable in an accident may have been jaywalking or on their phones and not paying attention to traffic signals. 


6.  Do You Have a Retainer Fee?

In some legal cases, the attorney will require a retainer fee before accepting to work on a case. Retainers are less common in pedestrian accident injury cases, but it is still a question you should have clarified.

The attorney will most likely present this information upfront. Reading online reviews and comparing lawyer costs is a great way to learn what attorneys charge for your type of case.


7.  Can the Driver Countersue?

Yes, it’s possible a pedestrian can face a counter lawsuit. The opposing party does not want to bear responsibility for the accident and will have their own attorney.

The attorney’s job is to come up with an alternative scenario to explain the accident. Their job is to remove all liability from their client.

Even if you were partially at fault, you may still be eligible for a settlement. It’s also possible that you are not responsible for compensating the other party. However, in order to determine this, you must be truthful with your pedestrian accident lawyer. 


8.  How Long Will the Case Take?

Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

You are given a certain window to file a claim. However, when it comes to reaching a settlement, there is no set timeframe. The claims process lasts longer when an agreement cannot be met. Then, the case goes to court.

At this point, you’re at the mercy of the court’s schedule. More investigations and interviews are done. This prolongs the schedule, affecting the timeline.

An attorney can provide a rough estimate based on the information presented during the consultation. However, remember, it’s just an estimation. 


9.  What Do You Need From Me?

Any evidence you can provide, the better they can assess the situation during the initial consultation. It is essential to get contact information from the driver who hit you and that of any witnesses. You also want to get the driver’s insurance information and a police report. 

Once the lawyer decides to take the case, the bulk of the additional evidence will come from investigative work. Attorneys can use legal measures to access security cameras, traffic signal data, and other relevant data. 


Are You in Need of an Attorney?

When you require legal guidance, it is essential to know what questions to ask a lawyer. You want the right and best representation for your pedestrian accident case.

Reading online reviews is one way to ensure you choose the right lawyer. The Law Offices of Daniel Kim maintains a 99% success rate, and we can help you with your personal injury accident. Reach out to schedule a free consultation.