What to Do If You Were in a Rideshare Accident

Rideshare Accident Lawyer

rideshare accident

When you book your rideshare, you know nothing about the driver or the car’s condition. You’re essentially putting your safety and the safety of your loved ones at risk for a rideshare accident.

Did you know that up to 25% of individuals in the United States utilize a ridesharing service at least once a month? Carpooling was very common in the past, notably in the 1960s and 1970s, particularly in suburban regions. However, the practice has evolved significantly over the subsequent decades. It has evolved to the typical two-car family of the new millennium.

Due to its convenience, cost, and accessibility, ridesharing has become a high in-demand service. Because of this rise in popularity, accidents will happen. According to a 2019 research, rideshare drivers are responsible for a 3% rise in fatalities and rideshare accident rates throughout the United States.

Rideshare drivers risk injuring not just themselves, other vehicles, and their passengers, but pedestrians, as well. Therefore, it’s important to prepare yourself in case you’re involved in a rideshare accident.

If you were in a rideshare accident, there are critical actions you must take. Here are the steps you should take.


1. Get to Safety & Evaluate Your Injuries

For any type of accident, you can apply these same methods.

The first step you need to take in any accident is to ensure you are okay. Although being involved in a vehicle accident is a terrifying event, maintaining your composure is essential.

When caught off guard, there is a possibility you may be in shock, not realizing you may have been seriously injured 

You may also believe that you do not have any obvious injuries since there are no apparent wounds or bruises on your body. Checking your skin for signs of internal injuries is one method of determining if you have any.  If you experience discomfort when you gently touch your skin, you may have internal damage. 

Then, if you’re capable, check if anybody else has been hurt. This can include the rideshare driver, a fellow passenger, another driver, or a pedestrian. However, do not try and provide medical treatment. 

Instead, your role should be to try and get everyone to safety. Keeping your distance away from traffic and waiting for paramedics to arrive is the best course of action.

However, even if you do not seem to have sustained any major injuries in the collision, you should still consult with a medical professional directly following the accident. This will confirm or rule out any internal or delayed-onset injuries that may have occurred.

If you are injured, the best course of action would be for you to explore pursuing legal options for your injuries. However, a rideshare accident lawyer will need to get a full medical record from your healthcare practitioner to proceed with any legal procedure.


2. Report the Rideshare Accident to the Authorities

Insist that your driver call the authorities to report the collision. If the driver is too injured to do so, call 911 immediately. They will be able to dispatch assistance for you and the other people involved in the accident.

The collision may have caused personal belongings to become scattered across the roadways. Although our natural reaction would be to collect our items, it would be preferable to leave everything as is.

This will keep you out of harm’s way, like oncoming traffic. However, if you must retrieve any loose items, be sure to take photos of the initial debris before you begin moving anything around. This photo evidence can assist in building a strong case.

Additionally, when the authorities arrive, provide only the facts, and inform them if you moved anything around.


3. Keep a Copy of the Receipt

If you have a digital ride receipt, screenshot it, and save it to your archive. Although this information should be stored in the application, glitches or other technical issues do happen, and you want to make sure you are prepared for any circumstance.

Remember to log the date and time of the accident, as well. These are valuable pieces of information that may assist the police in their investigation. 

Compiling a detailed account of the accident will also support your insurance or personal injury claim.


4. Document as Much as You Can

rideshare accident

Smartphones come in handy for capturing photos and even videos from the scene of the accident. Be sure to take as many detailed photos as possible. The photos can include apparent injuries on yourself, damage to the rideshare car, the rubble and debris from the collision, or any other pertinent details.

Additionally, you will want to speak with the driver and any onlookers who may have seen the collision and get their contact information.

The following is a list of information that you should gather:

  • Name of a rideshare driver
  • Names of other passengers or pedestrians involved
  • License plate number
  • Insurance details
  • Accident location, like city and street names
  • Witness’ names and contact information 

The more information you have gathered, the greater the accuracy to support your account of the rideshare accident. It will also make the filing of a claim much simpler.


5. Types of Rideshare Accidents

There are two possible scenarios in which you might be engaged in a rideshare accident:

The Rideshare Driver Was At Fault

To cover damages caused by its drivers, ride-sharing businesses such as Uber are legally obligated to have $1 million in liability insurance coverage.

If a driver’s carelessness caused your injuries, you might be able to bring a case against the company.

It is critical to note that the insurance coverage begins as soon as a rideshare driver approves your request for a trip. It continues until the driver finishes the journey.

The Other Driver Was At Fault

Make certain that the rideshare driver has the insurance information for the other drivers involved in the accident. As a precaution, keep a copy of that information. The insurance of the other car’s driver may be able to cover your claim.


6. Consult With a Rideshare Accident Lawyer

rideshare accident

The scary truth is that the probability of being involved in a car accident or even a rideshare accident is high. Therefore, the more prepared we are, the better the outcome.

Despite rideshare advantages, such as offering quick and inexpensive transportation choices, the yearly cost of injuries is a problem.

If you have injuries resulting from a rideshare accident, contact our experienced rideshare accident lawyer. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation to explore your legal options and terms of compensation.