Riverside Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Riverside Bicycle Accident Lawyer

bicycle accident

Accidents involving bicyclists and motorists in Riverside are avoidable. However, bicycle accidents are on the rise due to aggressive and reckless drivers. When the at-fault driver is found guilty, they must reimburse an accident victim for damages that resulted from the bicycle accident. With the proper legal representation, a cyclist who was injured in a collision could be eligible for substantial compensation.

Riverside bicycle accident attorney, Daniel Kim, can help you with your claim. Our years of experience and proven methods have garnered us a 99% client success rate. Additionally, we have recovered over $300 million in verdicts and settlements for cases involving bicycle accidents and other motor vehicle-related collisions.

Daniel Kim and his legal team specialize in personal injury cases. We work on a no-win, no-fee basis. If you were harmed in an accident, schedule a free consultation with our Riverside law firm today. We’re available to assist 24-hours a day, seven days a week.


Are You Looking for a Riverside Bicycle Accident Attorney?

bicycle accident

Bike accidents can lead to catastrophic injuries with life-altering effects. Victims should not have to suffer the consequences of someone else’s negligent actions. At The Law Offices of Daniel Kim, we fight to defend victims’ rights and ensure they are not taken advantage of by insurance companies.

Insurance adjusters are much more likely to offer a fair settlement when dealing with an established law firm. The top Riverside bike accident attorney, Daniel Kim, is an expert negotiator and will not settle for a less than fair offer. With a 99% success rate, he knows how to obtain maximum compensation for injured victims.

Our top priority is to put our clients’ health and well-being first. This is why our firm works so intently to make sure clients are appropriately compensated. Additionally, we make our services available on a contingency fee basis, meaning clients do not have to pay until – and only if – their case is won.

Daniel’s hard work and dedication have earned him the title of an “Elite Lawyer” by the Elite Lawyers of America. Only legal professionals who have exceeded $2 million in verdicts and settlements have earned this prestigious honor. Our award-winning firm has also been recognized by The National Academy of Personal Injury Attorneys and by The Motor Vehicle Trial Lawyers Association.

We only represent the plaintiff in a bicycle accident and never the accused party. We can help you take on the insurance companies and work toward getting you the fair and full compensation you are rightfully owed. To learn more, schedule a free consultation today. We’re available to assist 24/7, and there is no obligation to commit.

Do I Have a Case for My Bicycle Accident Injury?

Riverside bicycle accident

Determining whether a personal injury case is valid can be tricky – even if the victim did nothing wrong. Once an accident is reported, it is not uncommon for the other party to deny fault and for their insurance to reject the claim. However, sufficient evidence will prove to be substantially beneficial. If the provided evidence can prove negligence on the accused party, then you have a case. The problem many run into, however, is identifying these key pieces and obtaining them.

When working with an experienced bicycle accident lawyer in Riverside, individuals are investing in their future and the overall outcome of the case. An attorney who has handled similar bicycle accident cases will be knowledgeable of how to approach the case and handle insurance adjusters.

One of the greatest benefits a bicycle accident lawyer provides is monitoring deadlines and ensuring all paperwork is filed on time. There are time limits, known as the statute of limitations, that gives plaintiffs a certain time frame to submit a personal injury claim. Once the deadline is missed, there will not be another opportunity to pursue compensation. In California, the statute is two years to file. Under certain circumstances, this deadline could be extended or even reduced. Discussing the details with an attorney will clarify any uncertainties.

At The Law Offices of Daniel Kim, we have the expertise and resources needed to build a winning case. We can bring in expert witnesses to testify on our client’s behalf to further prove negligence on the defendant. In addition, we will gather medical records, cross-examine witnesses, and fill in any missing blanks that the police report may be lacking. Advocates from start to settlement, our Riverside bicycle accident lawyers will aggressively negotiate on the behalf of our clients so that they receive the best financial outcome possible.

How Much Is My Bicycle Accident Claim Worth?

The worth of a settlement from a bicycle accident will vary from case to case. While an estimate can be determined, an exact amount should not be promised until a full investigation has been completed and all evidence collected. Because every accident is unique with its own set of circumstances, the settlement will not always be the same for bicycle accident victims.

In a bicycle accident case, the purpose of filing a lawsuit is to cover all medical bills for the victim’s suffered injuries. Medical expenses can include surgeries, as well as medical treatment to address any physical pain. It can also cover lost wages from missing work while healing from sustained injuries. Compensation will be based on economic and non-economic damages to account for the following:

  • All medical expenses – surgeries, prescriptions, rehabilitation
  • Pain and suffering – mental trauma, PTSD, new phobias
  • Lost wages – lost income from missed work, loss of earning potential
  • Catastrophic loss – serious injuries resulting in amputation, death
  • Loss of companionship – relationship with a partner that has been affected, inability to have children

The Law Offices of Daniel Kim has been successful in recovering damages in the preceding areas. To learn how much your case is worth and what your legal options are, schedule a free consultation with us today.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents?

bicycle accident

City officials have taken safety measures to establish more designated bike lanes and improve infrastructure to protect bicyclists. However, vehicles colliding with bicyclists remain the leading cause of injuries and cyclist fatalities.

Bicycle accidents in Riverside are often a result of someone else’s negligence. Sometimes this is due to a driver being reckless or a bicyclist not paying attention. Common causes of bicycle accidents include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Driving while intoxicated from drugs or alcohol
  • Not obeying traffic laws or road regulations
  • Poor road maintenance with uneven pavement or potholes
  • Roadway hazards with debris in the street
  • Faulty equipment or bike parts
  • Extreme weather conditions
  • Lack of biker visibility
  • Car doors opening into oncoming traffic
  • Reckless or negligent behavior from the bicyclist

Who Is Liable for a Bicycle Accident?

Due to their lack of protection, motorists are often found liable in a Riverside bicycle accident. Generally, car drivers are held to a higher standard than bicycle riders. This is because a car can do much more damage in a collision. However, a bicyclist can also be held fully or partially liable, as well.

An experienced bicycle accident lawyer will know how to approach cases where both the rider and driver are at fault. Referred to as comparative negligence, the legal process permits multiple parties to be held accountable, as well as recover damages. In this instance, the percentage of fault is allocated between both parties, and partial compensation is awarded to the party who played less of a role in the bicycle crash.

Therefore, bike riders should still consult with a bike accident lawyer in Riverside — even if they believe they contributed to causing the accident. Liability in a personal injury accident is complex, and there are a variety of avenues that can be taken to reach a solution.

What Should You Do After a Bicycle Accident?

Riverside bicycle accident lawyers

Immediately following a bicycle crash, seek medical attention. Health is and should be treated as the top priority after a bicycle accident. Sometimes, victims do not realize that they have been injured due to the adrenaline rush the body releases after a major event. Other times, people are under the impression that the injuries sustained are not that serious because they are not visible.

Head injuries and internal bleeding are common injuries that are unsuspecting but have the potential to be life-threatening. Only a doctor can properly examine and treat someone who was just in an accident. Therefore, always seek medical help. Other important steps are to:

  1. Contact the Authorities

    A police report will be created and medical assistance will be provided once help arrives. The report and medical attention will play important roles in building a strong case.

  2. Secure Evidence

    While waiting for help, take pictures and videos of the accident scene, property damage, tire marks on the road, visible injuries, and other relevant details.

  3. Speak to Witnesses

    Ask for the name, contact number, and statement from any present eyewitnesses. A third-parties testimony is a powerful piece of evidence in a bicycle accident case.

  4. Do Not Speak About the Accident

    Avoid speaking to the other party unless it is to collect insurance and contact information. In addition, do not talk to the other party’s insurance company. Anything that is discussed could hurt the case.

  5. Consult with a Bike Accident Lawyer

    It’s strongly advisable to consult with an attorney. The Law Offices of Daniel Kim offers a free consultation, where we will provide legal advice with no commitment to hire us.

Consulting with an attorney will be informative and provide guidance into what options victims have following an accident. Those injured in an accident due to another’s negligence are entitled to a full and fair settlement. Seek legal counseling from our experienced Riverside bicycle accident attorneys to increase your chances of recovering compensation.

What Are the Most Common Bike Accident Injuries?

Similar to motorcyclists, bicyclists lack protection in an accident and can suffer from severe injuries. Riders are vulnerable to the full impact of the collision making bicycle accident victims more susceptible to long-term or permanent damage – and in some cases, death. When it comes to recovering maximum compensation from a Riverside bicycle accident, the more serious the crash is, the higher the award will be. Common injuries accident victims often sustain include:

  • Damage to the face, mouth, and teeth
  • Fractures and broken bones
  • Lacerations and cuts
  • Bruising and contusions
  • Head injuries and traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Internal bleeding
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Amputation

If an accident resulted in the death of a loved one, a wrongful death lawsuit can be filed by surviving family members. This type of suit seeks damages for lost wages from the deceased, lost companionship, and funeral expenses. This type of case is complex and is often tried before a jury. It will require the expertise of an attorney with much experience in wrongful death.

Riverside Bicycle Accident Statistics

bicycle accidents

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there have been 846 bicyclist fatalities in the United States, with most occurring in California. In Riverside, CA, there have been 329 victims that were either killed or injured while riding their bikes.

Additionally, 3,681 of the car accidents in Riverside were speed-related, 1,481 occurred in the evenings between 9:00 PM – 2:59 AM, and 873 of the accidents were hit-and-runs.

Dangerous Roads and Intersections for a Motor Vehicle Accident

With some of the most utilized roadways in Southern California, Riverside County experiences traffic accidents frequently. The city’s most dangerous streets and intersections include:

  • Van Buren Boulevard and Indiana Avenue
  • Van Buren Boulevard and Trautwein Road
  • Van Buren Boulevard and Jurupa Avenue
  • Tyler Street Boulevard and Magnolia Avenue
  • Van Buren Boulevard and Arlington Avenue
  • Ynez Road and Winchester
  • Gilman Springs and Bridge Street

Contact Our Bicycle Accident Lawyer Near You

bicycle accidents

The Law Offices of Daniel Kim is fully committed to helping our clients achieve success with their bicycle accident cases. Our legal team has the expertise and experience to protect the rights of our clients and ensure they receive fair compensation from the insurance company.

When someone else’s negligence results in the harm of another, California law states that the at-fault party is responsible for compensating the injured cyclist. Depending on where the accident occurred, the details of the lawsuit may vary. However, our experienced attorneys can discuss all of these details during a free legal consultation. Our goal is to help injured clients recover back to a healthy state, then assist them to seek compensation.

We work on a contingency-fee-basis, so clients owe nothing until their case is won. If you sustained injuries from a Riverside bicycle accident, schedule a free consultation. Our law firm represents victims in Riverside County and we serve nearby neighborhoods and surrounding cities throughout the Inland Empire. If you are unable to come into our office for a case assessment, we can always come to you. Our team is available to assist 24/7, day or night, including weekends, and on holidays.


Directions to Our Riverside Office

To reach our office in Riverside, take the 55 freeway to the 91, and exit toward Arlington Avenue. Our law office neighbors the Santa Ana River Regional Park.

Car Accident Lawyer Daniel Kim
Address: 7121 Magnolia Ave Suite D, Riverside, CA 92504
Phone: (951) 900-9402

No fee promise
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