Bicycle Accident Law Firm
Bicycling continues to grow every year because of the huge benefits it offers. Along with being great exercise, it also gets you outdoors in the fresh air which improves mental health. Sadly, many bicyclists experience an accident while riding.
If you were recently involved in a bike accident, it’s important to follow these steps to prevent further injury, as well as help you file a successful personal injury claim with our bicycle accident law firm.
Find a Safe Place
If you’ve been involved in a traffic accident while on your bike, the most important thing you can do is move to a place of safety. If you feel well enough, move yourself and your bike out of the road.
However, if you’re physically incapable of moving, stay put. You can also ask for help from the driver or any witnesses who are present to help keep the roads clear.
Then, contact 911. You may need to wait for an ambulance to arrive so paramedics can assess your injuries and move you safely.
Always Get Medical Attention
After a biking accident, you must call the emergency services, even if you feel uninjured. Many people don’t realize that they’re injured until hours or days after the accident. When your body is in shock and running on adrenaline, it may mask your injuries.
In addition, make sure a paramedic exams you at the scene of the accident. When the authorities arrive, they will create an official police report and list your injuries. If you choose to file a claim with a bike accident attorney, this report will work in your favor as evidence.
Although you do not have to take an ambulance back to the hospital, make sure that you do see a doctor following the accident.
Get Information
Speak to the other parties involved in the collision including the driver and any witnesses, exchange contact information, as well as insurance.
If you’re too injured, ask someone you trust to gather this information for you, like a friend or family member. After contacting emergency services, that friend or family member should be your second phone call.
While exchanging information with the involved parties, do not engage in conversation. Whatever you say could be used as evidence against your personal injury claim. Something as minor as saying “I’m sorry” could affect your case and be perceived as admitting fault.
Get a Copy of All Reports
If you intend on filing a claim after a bike accident, you’ll need all the evidence you can get to support your case. Along with your police report, you’ll also need your medical exam report and any other relevant documentation. This may include pictures of the crash or the damage to your bike.
It could also include receipts for any medical costs or proof of loss of wages from work you had to miss during your recovery. If you’ve had to make renovations to your home during your recovery or for the long-term, like installing a wheelchair ramp, receipts for these should also be included.
Ultimately, you want to ensure you keep records of everything.
Contact Your Insurance
You may need to contact your insurance after a bike accident. Most insurance companies try to get their clients to agree to settlements early on. Do not feel pressured to agree to what is being offered. Also, you do not need to communicate with them.
In fact, it’s best to receive legal counseling before speaking to insurers. Always ask for advice from a bicycle accident law firm before speaking with insurers.
The same rule applies to the responsible party’s insurance adjusters. They are clever in getting victims to settle for a less than fair amount of compensation. When you work with a bike accident law firm, they will ensure that does not happen.
Do Not Negotiate on Your Own
When it comes to negotiations, it should always be left to your lawyer to handle. Therefore, negotiations should only be made with a legal representative present.
This prevents your rights from being compromised and you are not taken advantage of. Your lawyer will know exactly what your rights are and exactly what you’re entitled to. Don’t make the mistake of settling for less than you deserve.
Continue to Seek Regular Medical Treatment
Some bike accident injuries can have lasting effects. Some people may suffer from chronic back pain or knee injuries for years after their accident. It’s important to continue to seek medical help when you need it. Knowing how to properly manage pain will make everyday life much more bearable.
Similarly, many people who have been involved in accidents develop mental health trauma. You may feel frightened about getting back on your bike or even wary of traveling in general. It’s important to address the psychological aspects of your accident, in addition to the physical ones.
File a Bike Accident Claim
This step will vary for everyone. While some victims may not feel the need to file a personal injury claim, there are benefits to doing so.
Claiming compensation isn’t just about getting the money you need to get your life back on track. It is also a way of making sure no one else has to go through the same complications you had to.
For many people, recovering compensation isn’t purely about money; it’s about gaining justice.
The Best Bicycle Accident Law Firm in Southern California
If you’re interested in filing a personal injury claim, you’re going to need the best bicycle accident law firm at your side.
At The Law Offices of Daniel Kim, we have years of experience helping bike accident victims recover maximum compensation for their injuries.
If you’re interested in learning about what legal options you have after an accident, contact us. We offer a free, no-risk case evaluation.