What Passengers Need to Know After a Lyft Car Accident

Lyft Accident Attorney

Lyft Accident Attorney

When you get into the back of your Lyft driver’s vehicle, you are already under the assumption that they will get you to where you need to go as safely as possible. However, that is not always the case. Sometimes, a driver’s negligence can cause a Lyft car accident.

If you were recently involved in a Lyft car accident, this guide will cover what you need to know about reporting your car accident and who you can reach out to receive the compensation you deserve. 


What to Do After a Lyft Car Accident

After the accident happens, make sure that you are ok. Exit the vehicle and get somewhere safe, away from the road. Then, call the police and report the Lyft car accident.

When the police arrive at the scene, be sure to give them your information so they include it in the police report. Whether or not you appear to have injuries, be sure to seek medical treatment and keep records of all treatment received. 

While at the scene of the accident, begin compiling evidence. Some of this information will be included in the police report. However, it’s best to keep a personal record to ensure key details are not missed. Critical information to gather:

  • Names of all the drivers involved
  • Year, make, and model of the involved vehicles
  • Contact information of involved parties
  • Where the accident happened
  • What happened in the accident
  • Any other witness information

If you can, take photos of the accident scene and any critical information that can help your case—gathering as much information as you can significantly help your case. 


Reporting the Car Accident to Lyft

report car accident

Once you are safe and in your right mind, you can report your claim to Lyft on their online reporting system. Their representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help you with your case. After you report the claim, Lyft will do their investigation into the claim, and they may try to offer you compensation for your injuries and for your inconvenience. 

However, before you accept anything from them, reach out to a Lyft car accident attorney to review your case. Consulting with an attorney will keep your rights protected, as unfortunately, these large businesses and insurance companies do not always fairly compensate accident victims.

In fact, insurance adjusters undervalue claims and are trained to get victims of Lyft car accidents to accept these undervalued settlement offers. The goal is to underpay and close the case as quickly as possible.


Compensation for a Lyft Car Accident 

When you partner with a reputable Lyft car accident lawyer, they can help you file a lawsuit against Lyft for the injuries sustained in the auto accident. You can receive compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages that were a direct result of the accident. 

Property Damages

If your phone or any other items you had with you at the time of the accident sustained damages, you could submit a claim for them. Make a list of all personal property that was damaged in the accident. Also, take photos of the crash scene. This helps your attorney build a strong case. The more evidence, the better.

Medical Bills

For any treatment for injuries caused by the accident, you could seek compensation for medical bills, surgeries, physical rehab, medications, and any other medical expenses related to the crash. This includes hospitalization fees, surgery costs, prescription medications, and physical therapy fees. If you require any future treatment, your lawyer can also seek compensation for that.

Lost Wages

Sometimes, injuries can be so severe that work will have to be missed while in treatment or because the pain is too unbearable. If you had to miss work because of your accident-related injuries, you could seek compensation for lost wages. This also applies to any future wages lost due to recovery time or any other medical procedures. Loss of earning potential is also compensable if the injuries are debilitating and prevent victims from working.

Pain and Suffering

Compensation accounts for more than lost wages, property damage, or medical bills. There are other damages you can claim, such as pain and suffering. This can include physical discomfort or pain, as well as mental anguish. Ridesharing accidents can instill fear in victims that they did not previously have. Because of this, pain and suffering is a legitimate form of damages that can be compensated to accident victims. 


Do I Need to Hire a Lyft Accident Attorney?

Lyft accident attorney

Like other regular auto accidents, hiring a personal injury attorney will improve your chances of receiving the maximum compensation possible for your case. When you partner with a reputable car accident attorney, they can provide you with knowledge of the legal system and experience on what to expect from your case. 

If you’re involved in an accident, you’re most likely hurt or upset. Also, you will want to get the case over with. Insurance adjusters take advantage of this. They will pressure you to settle as soon as possible before consulting with a lawyer.

Instead of being subjected to a low offer, reach out to an attorney to handle your case. They will deal with the aggressive insurers and fight to get you a fair and full settlement for your injuries. 


Get the Compensation You Deserve

Being involved in a car accident is scary. It can be even more frightening when you’re the passenger of a Lyft driver. If you were injured in an accident, reach out to a reputable Lyft car accident attorney to help you with your case. 

At The Law Offices of Daniel Kim, we will sort out your case and get you the compensation you deserve. Contact us for a free no-obligation case evaluation.