7 Motorcycle Safety Tips Every Rider Should Know

Motorcycle Accident Injury Attorney

Motorcycle accident injury attorney

Did you know that motorcyclists account for 14% of all traffic-related fatalities, even though motorcycles only make up 3% of all registered vehicles? No matter how careful you are, you’re always at risk when you’re on your motorcycle. Motorcycle wrecks happen all the time. This is why, if you want to be as safe as possible, you need to know how to stay out of harm’s way. Here are the top seven safety motorcycle tips that every rider should know. Speak with a motorcycle accident injury attorney if you’re interested in learning more about your case. 


1. Wear the Right Clothing

Even though it’s great to feel the rush while speeding down the road on your motorcycle, this doesn’t mean that it’s a safe thing to do. By wearing protective gear, a rider is also less likely to get seriously injured in an accident. This is especially the case for those who don’t know how to properly ride their motorcycles. 

One important piece of gear to wear for riding safety is non-slip boots. This is because it’s common for motorcycle riders to get into wrecks when their feet slip. It’s also important to wear thick pants, a coat, and gloves. Ultimately, you want to cover as much skin as possible in the event of a crash and making contact with the road’s gravel surface.

When investing in pants, look for materials that are durable. The highest quality pants are made with Teflon, but they also tend to be expensive. If you are looking for a less expensive option, consider buying leather pants. 

Every motorcycle rider, no matter how short of a ride they’re going on, must wear a helmet. If the helmet doesn’t have a face shield, riders should also consider wearing safety glasses to protect their eyes. 


2. Don’t Ride in Bad Weather Conditions

Motorcycle Safety

If you’re riding your bike during a storm where it’s heavily raining, you’re putting yourself at risk of getting in an accident. There are several reasons for this. 

Most importantly, rain hinders your visibility, which sometimes makes it difficult for motorcyclists to see where they’re going. This means that motorcyclists who choose to ride in rainy conditions are not only putting their own lives at risk; they are also risking the lives of other pedestrians, bicyclists, and car drivers who are around them. 

It’s also a bad idea to ride your motorcycle in the snow or ice. In these kinds of conditions, it’s difficult to brake and come to a complete stop abruptly. So, it’s possible that your bike will lose its traction. This could cause your bike to fall on its side while you’re riding it. 


3. Have Awareness on the Road

Unlike automobile drivers, all that motorcycle drivers have to protect themselves is their safety gear. This is why it’s important to practice bike safety by being aware of all nearby vehicles on the road.

You should not assume that other people on the road know what they are doing because there are many distracted drivers. For example, if a car in front of you has a turn signal on for a period of time but has not actually switched lanes, it’s possible that the driver forgot to turn it off and will not be making a turn. Assume this driver is a threat and keep your distance.


4. Keep Your Motorcycle Maintained

bike maintenance

Before you go out for a ride, you should walk around your motorcycle to make sure there is nothing out of the ordinary. You should do things like checking the tires to make sure they are inflated and that there are no missing parts. It’s also a good idea to see if the chain is properly greased. Lastly check that the headlight, blinkers, and horn are all working correctly. 

If you’re about to go on a long ride, never forget to check your battery to make sure that it is charged. If you observe any problems with your motorcycle, take your bike to a mechanic to get them fixed before you ride it on a long trip. 


5. Choose the Right Kind of Bike

Motorcycles come in all sorts of styles and sizes. If you choose one that is too big or too small, you’ll be more likely to get in an accident. Also worth noting, if you struggle operating the bike or it’s too tall to get on with ease, you probably shouldn’t be riding it. 

For an inexperienced motorcycle rider, it’s a good idea to choose a bike with a motor of 200cc engine or less. The reason for this is that motorcycles with larger motors are harder to control. 

If you mainly use your motorcycle to ride on highways and paved roads, it’s best to have a street bike and tires with tread patterns that can maintain their grip on the road when you’re riding aggressively. 


6. Know What to Do if You Get in an Accident

what to do after an accident

In the worst-case scenario, you’ll get into a collision with another person or vehicle. Unfortunately, many people who get into collisions don’t know what to do after and sometimes leave the scene of an accident before reporting it to the police.

If you do get into an accident, the first thing you should do is move your bike away from the flow of traffic. You should then call 911 so that what happened will be documented in a police report. It’s also essential that you collect information about the other driver, including their contact details and insurance information. Then, take pictures and videos of the crash and your injuries. Lastly, contact an experienced motorcycle accident injury attorney to help you protect your legal rights. 


7. Keep Your Hands on the Brakes

You never know when you’ll need to make an abrupt stop. Your life may depend on whether you’re ready to react at a moment’s notice. This is why you should always have your fingers on the brake. 

Being a defensive rider and anticipating someone else’s next action can help keep you out of harm’s way and prevent an accident. With this being said, it’s still a good idea to enjoy the experience of being out on a ride. You just need to be ready to stop when you need to.


Call a Motorcycle Accident Injury Attorney

motorcycle accident injury attorney in Orange County

Motorcyclists face an enormous amount of danger on the road. This is why it’s essential to know about the most important motorcycle safety tips.

Remember to wear the right kinds of protective gear. Take care of your motorcycle and check that it’s in working order before you go out on a ride. And never assume that drivers on the road know what they’re doing. 

If you are in need of a motorcycle accident injury attorney in Southern California, contact The Law Offices of Daniel Kim. We are one of the top personal injury law firms in Orange County and are committed to ensuring our clients get the justice and compensation they deserve. Please don’t hesitate to contact us today for a free consultation and to find out more about our services.