Woman Killed in Solo-Car Accident on El Camino Real at Camino Vida Roble [Carlsbad, CA]

Woman Killed in Solo-Car Accident on El Camino Real at Camino Vida Roble [Carlsbad, CA]
Woman Killed in Solo-Car Accident on El Camino Real at Camino Vida Roble [Carlsbad, CA]

Woman Dies in Carlsbad Solo-Car Crash on El Camino Real

CARLSBAD, CA (May 16, 2022) — A woman died in a solo-car accident on El Camino Real at Camino Vida Roble on Sunday.
According to Carlsbad police, the fatal single-car accident happened around 6:24 a.m. For unknown reasons, a 24-year-old woman struck a signal pole on the northeast curb line.
Responding police officers found one person trapped in the wreckage and immediately firefighters removed the victim from the car.
However, officials pronounce her dead at the scene.
At this time, detectives do not know if drugs or alcohol factor into this crash. However, they believe excessive speed might have precipitated the cause.
If anyone has more information on this fatal crash, please contact the Carlsbad police.

Our sincere thoughts go out to the family and friends of the victim.

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