What to Consider When Choosing Wrongful Death Lawyers

Wrongful Death Lawyers

Wrongful Death Lawyers

Moving on with your life after losing a loved one is never easy. The tragedy is even more frustrating if the outcome resulted from the fault of another. 

If you lost a family member due to another’s negligence in an auto collision, you may file a wrongful death claim. However, before doing so, it’s important to consider working with a lawyer. 

You must prove that the other party acted carelessly and/or negligently — in addition to claiming how much compensation you think you and your family are entitled to. The settlement process is complicated, especially without qualified legal representation.

If you plan to work with an attorney on your wrongful death claim, consider these important factors when selecting a wrongful death lawyer. 


Experience With Wrongful Death Cases

When searching for the best wrongful death attorney, you should first consider a specialization in wrongful death cases. There are many types of wrongful death cases, and it’s important to choose one who has experience handling cases similar to yours. Therefore, ask questions — lots of them. 

It’s not enough to hire just any personal injury lawyer because wrongful death cases are more complex. When you hire a lawyer experienced in the field, you increase your chances of winning the case.

Your lawyer must know all the intricacies of the laws associated with negligence and wrongful deaths involving auto accidents. The lawyer you finally choose should have significant experience fighting for families who have gone through similar experiences.


Proven Track Record

Even though experience in wrongful death cases is important, positive case results are just as significant. 

There’s a possibility that you may settle the case out of court, and there’s also a possibility that it will go to litigation in front of a judge. Ask your potential wrongful death lawyer how many wrongful death cases they have won both in and out of court.

You’ll find that some lawyers either do not have much or any court experience. Because you do not know where your claim will lead, you will need an attorney who knows how to represent clients in and out of court. 

An attorney should be comfortable in either scenario and confident in their capabilities to win regardless of the setting.


Consider Online Reviews

Wrongful Death Lawyers

In addition to requesting proof of a wrongful death attorney’s success rate, look at the law firm’s online reviews, as well.

Reading online reviews will give you insight into what kind of a lawyer you will be working with. Former clients will partially consist of grieving families who have gone through some of the most challenging times of their lives, so their experiences may be relatable. 

Their experiences with the lawyer will give you an idea of how your case will be treated.

In addition to an online reputation, also consider former clients’ testimonials. Ask your potential lawyer for references from clients they have helped in the past. This is one of the best ways to find the best wrongful death lawyer for your claim. 


Knowledge in Local and State Laws

Different states have different wrongful death statutes. Different localities will also have different laws and regulations regarding wrongful death. It’s critical that you hire a lawyer who has an understanding of both state and local laws and how they will ultimately affect your case.

Some states have no damage caps on wrongful death claims. This is to say that there’s no limit to the amount of money you can get as compensation. However, some states do have damage caps, and you cannot go above the stipulated compensation amount.

You’ll also find that there are differences in who can file the wrongful death claim and who can receive the awarded damages. For these reasons, it’s imperative that you find a wrongful death attorney who has a deep understanding of every law in your state and local area. With this kind of knowledge, they’ll be in a position to build a strong case and get the highest possible compensation.


Look for Compassionate Wrongful Death Lawyers

Wrongful Death Lawyers

While you want an aggressive attorney who knows how to handle unyielding insurance adjusters, it’s also important to invest in someone who can provide compassionate support to you and your family. 

Additionally, because the timeline of these claims can vary, you need to ensure your compatibility levels also match. Working for an extended period of time with an individual you do not get along with will be unpleasant and unproductive


Legal Fees

Most wrongful death lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. They understand that the lack of funds should not prohibit families from getting compensation for losing their loved ones. Working on a contingency fee basis means that lawyers do not get paid for their services until their clients receive their settlement.

It’s important to find an attorney who is transparent about any upfront costs or hidden fees. While some attorneys work on contingency, many others do not. 

Filing a wrongful death case and putting together a winning strategy will definitely be an investment. Comparing pricing from multiple wrongful death lawyers is recommended so you can get the best deal available.


Searching for the Best Wrongful Death Lawyers

Wrongful death cases can be complex and frustrating. They are often time-consuming, too.

You’ll want to work with wrongful death lawyers who have the right skills so you can settle for nothing less than a favorable outcome.

At The Law Offices of Daniel Kim, we are a team of experienced wrongful death attorneys who have a proven track record of achieving maximum compensation for our clients.

If you’re in search of a qualified wrongful death lawyer, please contact Daniel Kim today. We offer a free consultation and are available to assist with any questions you have involving the accident 24-hours a day, seven days a week.