Determining if You Have a Delayed Car Accident Injury and What to Do Next

Car Accident Injury

car accident injury

Did you know that adrenaline can mask pain? Although most car accident injuries present themselves quickly, some can be delayed. Many people make the mistake of not seeking medical attention after a car accident because they think they feel fine.

It’s not until a few hours or days later that they realize they have a car accident injury. Some of these delayed injuries can be life-threatening. Here is how to determine if you have sustained a serious car accident injury and what you will need to do to treat them. 


Types of Injuries

Car accident injuries can vary extensively. Some are minor and require little medical attention, while others are life-threatening and could result in long hospital stays. Some common injuries from a car accident include:

  • Whiplash
  • Neck injuries
  • Spinal injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Internal bleeding
  • Burns
  • Loss of limbs

Rarer injuries can also cause traumatic brain injuries and internal organ damage. Whiplash is one of the most common injuries from car accidents but also one of the best examples of how injuries can take days to present themselves. Neck and back pain can be masked by shock and adrenaline.

Your brain works overtime to ensure your fight or flight systems kick in and your body prioritizes you getting to safety over feeling any pain. This is why it’s so important to get checked over by a medical professional immediately after a car accident.


Delayed Symptoms and Reactions to Car Accident Injuries

Car Accident Injury

You may experience delayed symptoms of an injury over time. The first and most important symptom to look out for is pain. If you experience minor pain that gets worse or severe pain after you’ve been in a car accident, it’s important to see a doctor straight away. 

You should also look out for any unusual symptoms that could be a cause for concern. For example, sudden onset of nausea, extreme fatigue, or even brain fog, can be linked to serious injuries. A minor injury has the potential to turn into an infection or even lead to organ failure.

Brain bleeds can present themselves as headaches initially and get progressively worse as the weeks go on. The longer you wait to see a doctor, the worse these conditions will get.


Depression, Anxiety, and PTSD

Mental health issues can also be delayed symptoms of being involved in a car accident. The events of a car accident can cause trauma that can affect emotional well-being. These mental health conditions can take weeks, or even months, to present themselves.

You may need the help of counseling and medication to feel well. Unfortunately, trauma often isn’t something that goes away without help and it can dramatically change how you live your life.


Making a Claim for Compensation

car accident claim

If you would like to make a claim for compensation with a car accident attorney, you’ll need all the details you can gather. If you’ve been injured through no fault of your own, it’s vital that you know the full extent of your injuries. A medical report will be needed to provide evidence of your injuries.

In addition to claiming for the accident itself, you could be awarded additional compensation for other expenses. For instance, if your injury has meant you haven’t been able to work, you could claim back the wages you have lost. If you have to pay medical expenses like medication or physiotherapy costs, you may also be able to claim these.

If you can prove that your injury has caused a condition that you will have for the rest of your life, your car accident lawyer can add this to your claim. Lastly, if you have had to make adjustments to your home because the accident has left you with a disability, you could claim back the money you’ve spent.


Finding the Right Lawyer for You

In order to seek damages for a car accident injury, it’s best to have legal representation. At The Law Offices of Daniel Kim, we have a 99% success rate fighting for people who have been injured in auto-related accidents through no fault of their own. You deserve justice for what you’ve been through, and we’re willing to do everything within our power to get it. 

When you’ve been involved in an accident, your priority should be your health and recovery. As you recover, you can trust us to take on your case and do all the heavy lifting. We’ll keep you informed of the progress every step of the way. 

Along with handling all the paperwork, we’ll also talk to insurers on your behalf and offer you a personalized service so you can be sure your case matters to us. We work on a contingency basis, so you won’t pay anything unless we win.


Getting Over Your Car Accident Injury

personal injury lawyer

Getting over a car accident injury isn’t an easy thing to do. Whether your injury was minor or more severe, it takes time to get back to a place of feeling safe after an accident. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to seek justice.

Making a claim for compensation isn’t just about receiving the money you’re entitled to; it’s also about making sure it doesn’t happen to anyone else. People who are made to pay for their actions often think twice about repeating them. By making a claim, you can ensure you get what you deserve and the perpetrator doesn’t do it again.

If you’d like to discuss your claim further, schedule a free consultation with Daniel Kim today.