8 Reasons to Hire a Lyft Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles

Lyft Accident Lawyer

Lyft accident lawyer

The growth of US ridesharing services has increased since 2011. In relation, traffic deaths have also increased by 2-3%. The correlation implies that Uber and Lyft are directly linked to these crashes. In fact, Uber and Lyft accidents result in more than 1,100 traffic fatalities per year. This is why you need to hire a reputable Lyft accident lawyer in Los Angeles.

Being involved in any type of accident is emotionally and physically traumatizing. In addition, the injures sustained lead to an accumulation of medical bills and financial hardships. You are entitled to compensation, and you don’t want to jeopardize the opportunity to recover it. Here are 8 reasons why you need to hire a lawyer after a Lyft-related accident.


1. Accurately Estimate Claim Value 

While you know you are entitled to a claim, it’s difficult to tell how much you should be reimbursed. 

Of course, there are items such as medical bills or repair costs, which have set amounts. However, how can you account for the intangibles, like pain and suffering?

An experienced Lyft accident lawyer will provide an accurate estimation of the claim in its entirety. Then, your attorney will consider the more complex areas, like pain and suffering or decline in quality of life.

With their in-depth knowledge, the law firm you choose will give a fair value to pursue in the settlement.


2. Determine if Case Should Be Pursued

After investigating your Lyft accident, an attorney will advise whether or not you have a case worth pursuing. Using past experience, the lawyer will listen to the details and advise whether you should file a claim. 

This is extremely helpful because you won’t waste your time and money pursuing a claim that will never materialize. 

Personal injury law in California is complex, and there are conditions to when victims can get compensated. Therefore, attorneys educate clients on their rights, ultimately providing them with valuable knowledge pertaining to their case.

For example, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases in CA gives victims two years to file a lawsuit. Once that window has passed, you will no longer be eligible to pursue legal action.


3. Take On the Insurance Companies

Lyft accident lawyer

You will need to deal with Lyft’s insurance companies and their attorneys in order to settle your claim. However, dealing with rideshare companies after an accident is stressful and difficult.

Typically, insurers will make an effort to reduce the value of your claim by downplaying your injuries. In fact, they have skilled adjusters to ensure this happens. To avoid getting a lowball settlement–or no compensation at all–a Lyft accident attorney is vital.

In their careers, attorneys have dealt with numerous cases involving big insurance companies. Therefore, an experienced Lyft accident lawyer will be aware of insurers’ questionable tactics insurers and prevent them from taking place. 


4. Represent You in Court

The Lyft accident claim will proceed to a trial if no fair settlement is agreed upon during the negotiations. While an out-of-court settlement is typically ideal, never settle for an unfair offer. 

If your case must go to court, do it. All you need is the right attorney to represent you. The right attorney has already represented clients in similar situations. As a result, they will aggressively help prove your case before a jury.


5. Save You Time and Lots of Money

A personal injury claim in LA can last a long time. You don’t need to spend all your days looking for medical bills, medical records, checking police reports, insurance liens, and negotiating with insurance adjusters.

A trusted attorney will handle all this for you, and you have peace of mind knowing is claim is being well taken care of. Also, recovering from auto accidents becomes easy since victims don’t have to move up and down during the claim settlement.


6. Lyft Accident Lawyers Recover Compensation

lyft accident compensation

No matter how evident the accident caused your injuries, the insurance and party at fault will always try to blame you. 

In fact, did you know you could be held liable for an accident you were the victim of? Without proper negotiation skills and the ability to prove your case, you run the risk of losing compensation and potentially having to pay for damages from the accident.

An attorney will gather all the necessary evidence, present witnesses, and reconstruct the accident scene to build on your case. They are thorough when proving your case, and the insurance company cannot evade the claim.


7. Offer Cost-Friendly and Free Services

Most reputable Lyft accident attorneys don’t charge anything for the first consultation. This means you can present your case to the attorney, and they determine if they can represent you or not.

Also, you can ask and get clarification on anything about your case. This provides valuable information to help you decide on the next best course of action.

Additionally, while undergoing financial hardships, the law firm you choose should be willing to ease your financial stresses as much as possible. Therefore, when it comes to billing, attorneys who work on a contingency basis are the most ideal.

This form of billing does not obligate clients to pay upfront. Instead, clients only pay for the lawyer’s legal services once the case has been settled. If the case results in a loss, then the client is not responsible for payment.


8. Handle the Paperwork and Fine Print

A personal injury claim involves a lot of agreements, paperwork, and fine prints. These legal documents are confusing and complex, especially involving Lyft accidents.

To ensure you don’t end up signing away your rights, it’s crucial to work with the right Lyft accident attorney. The lawyer also helps you understand all your options, and the insurance company won’t take advantage of you.


Hire a Lyft Accident Lawyer Today

personal injury lawyer

When hiring a Lyft accident attorney, you need to get it right. The wrong attorney only adds insult to the injury. Thorough research beforehand is necessary to make the right decision.

Here are reasons why you should hire a reputable Lyft accident lawyer for your personal injury claim.

Are you looking for a Lyft accident attorney in Los Angeles? At The Law Offices of Daniel Kim, we are here to help. We are an award-winning personal injury firm and treat our clients with respect to help them get the justice and compensation they deserve.

Contact us today for a free consultation.